Positives Democrats can take away from a Trump victory


  1. The GOP just move left…BIGLY.

Trump is not a righteous Christian with impeccable morels. He is the embodiment of the uncouth average Joe who cusses and calls himself a Christian without really being active in religion. Also, Republican voters have now relinquished the ownership of moral high ground that they were hanging onto for political decisions. They decided that a brazen, deeply flawed, businessman was OK to lead, which means that they can no longer point fingers at democrats who go against their morals.

  1. Trump has been a democrat forever!

He was a Hillary supporter before he wasn’t. Also, his first promises in his acceptance speech were infrastructure work and tax payer funded jobs – mirroring President Obama’s “shovel-ready” recovery plan. Though he wishes to cut taxes, he also wishes to spend money to rebuild the nation – a la Roosevelt. Another thing, he has never said that he wishes to end abortion. His policies lean left from people like Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz.

  1. Trump has not shied away from supporting LGBT people.

I know that he has talked about signing the religious freedom act, but he specifically mentioned that he will work to protect members of the LGBT community at the Republican convention. With promises of protection, we can see where he goes with stances on the LGBT issues.

  1. Trump wants to fix inner cities.

To me, this is the biggest of the promises he made in his acceptance speech. He said that he will fix the inner cities. The inner cities are broken and this often leads to the people living there as being broken. There are few educational opportunities for betterment in these communities. There are few options for learning trades in these communities, and there are even fewer financial opportunities for the people of the inner cities. If he can get proper resources to the areas that need them the most, maybe there can be hope in areas where their last hopes hinged on promises from President Obama that never came to fruition.  If he can give hope to a group of people who feel disenfranchised, we can help keep people out of jail, off of drugs, and help them earn money and be viable parts of the economic recovery.

  1. Trump is for the worker.

Trump knows that his businesses rely on the American people having money in their pockets. He also has noticed that the majority of Americans have no extra cash to spend golfing and at resorts. Trump has repeated said that he wants American workers to have higher wages. He has been pressing about having higher wage jobs returning to the USA. Also, he wants to have a returned focus on trades, so workers can learn a specialty and earn more money. More money could equal more spending and more jobs.


Please feel free to add or take a way in the comments, I just ask that that those who comment respect each other.

How US Social Programming Has Led to the Rise of Trump

The presidential election 2016 is a very crazy anomaly. Can you remember any other election where a candidate could say so many things that the press jumps all over the story, the candidate doesn’t apologize, and comes out better for it? For so many candidates of past, there was just one faux pas that ended the candidacy. Donald Trump has had numerous “WTF” moments and seems to come out better off after each one.

There are two things in American culture that really stand out to me as being the reasons there are millions of people who are willing to entrust the United States of America to Donald Trump. Continue reading How US Social Programming Has Led to the Rise of Trump

The Un-PC Reasons of Why Europe Does Not Want More Refugees

Umit Bektas / Reuters

(Preface: European countries are facing a great dilemma with Syrian refugees. I have been reading posts from friends from all around the world and have been reading reactions to news stories. I have noticed a few common themes. This post is about the patterns I have seen and I have tried to paraphrase the thoughts that have seemed to be the common opinion. These are themes that many Europeans have been alluding to, but seemingly afraid to say, because of political correctness. This is a total opinion piece and is being written to bring about a conversation between people about the refugee crisis facing Europe.)

The refugee crisis in Europe is fodder for press all over the world. Many stories are calling European countries unsympathetic and inhumane for the way that they are dealing with the refugees. Why are the European nations being very selective with the number of refugees from Syria that they are taking in? Leaders and citizens have many reasons, but have their hands tied by political correctness. Many posts and responses to news articles have people painting a picture of why Europe is reacting the way that they are. Continue reading The Un-PC Reasons of Why Europe Does Not Want More Refugees

When Grammy Winner Timothy Bloom Heard About a Family in Danger of Eviction…

When Grammy winner Timothy Bloom heard about Joquann and LaRae Montgomery, along with their children, of Paterson, NJ., being on the verge of being evicted, due their inability to pay rent, he stepped up big.

The Grammy award winner teamed up with Make Room to help them avoid eviction, which they did. Bloom also performed live in their living-room to “give them a voice.”

From the Make Room website.

“Make Room N.J.:
The Montgomery Family

Joquann and LaRae work three jobs to keep a roof over their heads in Paterson, NJ. And like 46% of the renters in their city, more than half of their income goes to rent. Grammy winner Timothy Bloom knows what they are going through and gives a Make Room Concert for the 1st in their living room to help lift them up.

Play the video set to see the Montgomery family story and concert performances of “Wooooooo!!!” and “Stand In The Way (Of My Love)”.”


Millions of families are caught in a rental crisis. Help Timothy Bloom shine a light. #concertsforthefirst http://bit.ly/1dxjGWu

Hear more Timothy Bloom here. http://www.timothybloom.com/

SNL Airs Ripped Off Muhammad Skit

‘Saturday Night Live’ must be running out of material. On their May, 9th airing, they ran a blatant copy of a sketch from the Canadian sketch show ‘This Hour Has 22 Minutes.’ 

The sketches portrays a gameshow in which the contestants must draw the Muslim Prophet  Muhammad.  

There has been a lot of recent news involving the drawing of Islam’s most holy prophet, which is highly offensive to the religion’s worshipers. 

You can see the original skit and the copy in the links below. 

This Hour Has 22 Minutes – Muhammad

SNL – Muhammad

He Got The Job!

The young man, Yasir Moore, who North Carolina Target employees went above and beyond by helping to prepare him for his first job interview, complete with tie tying skills and how to answer interview questions, got the job at Chick-Fil-A.

Laura Overstreet stated that, “There were tons of cameras surrounding him in front of Chickfila at the mall tonight, it was pretty crazy! People literally were chanting, ‘eat more chicken!’ haha! The Target employees were there also.”

What a happy ending to an inspiring story.

Original story here. http://www.theroot.com/articles/news/2015/02/nc_teen_walks_into_target_looking_for_a_tie_and_this_happens.html

Inside a German Concentration Camp

January 27th, 1945. The U.S. soldiers had made their way to a German controlled city in Poland that horror stories had been coming from. Where the unimaginable was happening to human beings.

Auschwitz had a camp. Not just any camp, an extermination camp. A camp to kill other human beings on a mass scale. Continue reading Inside a German Concentration Camp

Saving the “Rich” White Girl

In 2007, the average monthly income in Bangkok, Thailand was about 145 Euros. The average income in my home country of Germany was 2800 Euros, after taxes. The thing with the average income is that a lot of people earn less than that and only a very few lucky ones earn a lot more. I had way less than the average German income, because I was a student. Still, I wouldn’t work for less than 5 Euros per hour in Germany, let alone for 5 Euros a day like the average Thai person. And I am single, just imagine having to finance a family with that kind of money! Continue reading Saving the “Rich” White Girl

The Problem With Sony’s Decision With “The Interview”

This week, Sony Pictures decided to not release the film “The Interview,” which stars James Franco and Seth Rogan. The release of the film, which is about the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was shut down due to threats from a group of North Korean terrorists who threatened to attack movie theaters that showed the film.

Many people are criticizing Sony for the move, including President Obama. Critics are saying that Sony lets the terrorist win if threats alone can get them to change course.

I have an even stronger opinion about what transpired. Continue reading The Problem With Sony’s Decision With “The Interview”

Life As an Illegal Migrant Worker

I was in my home country, fresh off of college graduation. I was wide-eyed and ready to go. I moved around within the country, trying to find work. It wasn’t going well. I was spending time on my cousin’s couch and then, later, at my aunt’s house in her spare room. I was desperately looking for work. I was willing to accept any position that came to me. I was applying everywhere. The problem with having a degree and applying for a low skill job is that they know you will not be a long-term employee. So, in turn, I wasn’t hiring material to low-level positions. Also, I did not have as much experience as other people who were out of work and applying for the same positions I was applying for.

You see, in my country, in 2010, there was an economic free-fall. We were involved in two wars. The markets had crashed. Unemployment skyrocketed. Fuel prices were driving up the cost of living and I was getting desperate. So, I began to look outside of my country. It didn’t take long to see greener pastures in a foreign land. The opportunities seemed bountiful. I was sold. Continue reading Life As an Illegal Migrant Worker